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骆汀汀,男,中共党员,汉族,河北衡水人。2020年博士毕业于大连理工大学,20182019年赴英国南安普顿大学联合培养。主要从事天然气水合物安全高效开采,地铁基坑、隧道建设,人工地层冻结、井筒信息化施工等方面科学研究工作。目前主持国家自然科学基金、江苏省自然科学基金、徐州地铁南三环站基坑监测、陈四楼煤矿井筒施工等科研项目十余项,研究经费100余万。在能源领域著名期刊Applied Energy (IF=8.426)海洋领域顶级期刊Marine and Petroleum Geology (IF=3.790)石油领域顶级期刊Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering (IF=3.706)发表SCI论文20余篇授权发明专利2项。现任 Geotechnique”、“Marine and Petroleum Geology” 等期刊审稿人。



2018-2019,南安普顿大学,岩土工程,联合培养,导师:William Powrie院士





1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,30万元,在研,主持

2. 江苏省自然科学基金青年基金项目, 20万元,在研,主持;


4. 集团人才引进项目20万元在研,主持

5. 中央高校基本科研业务费,6万元,在研,主持;

6. 海洋能源教育部重点实验室开放基金, 2万元,在研,主持;

7. 中科协中外优秀青年交流计划,5万元,在研,主持;

8. 徐州地铁南三环站基坑监测,10万元,在研,主持;

9. 陈四楼煤矿南风井井壁变形监测与安全评估技术研究,10万元,在研,主持


一. 代表性论文

1) Luo, T., Han, T., Zhang, T., Li, Y., Zhao, X. , Zhang, C. , Sun, X. , Song, Y. (2022). Deformation behaviors of hydrate-bearing silty sediments during CH4–CO2 replacement. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 211: 110225. (JCR一区,SCIIF4.346)

2) Sun, P., Luo, T., Wang, B., Yang, W. (2022). Sinusoidal buckling behaviour of surface casing with negative friction in thawing permafrost. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering ,208 : 109616. (JCR一区,SCIIF4.346)

3) Luo, T., Han, T., Madhusdhan, B.N., Zhao, X., Zou, D., Song, Y. (2021). Strength and deformation behaviors of methane hydrate-bearing marine sediments in the South China Sea during depressurization. Energy&Fuels, 35(18), 14569-14579. ((JCR二区,SCIIF3.605) 封面论文

4) Zhao, X., Luo, T., Zhuang, S., Lai, Z., Li, R. (2021). AE monitoring-based CO2 hydrate formation and its influences to hydrate-bearing sandy sediments. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 96:104292. (JCR一区,SCIIF4.965)

5) Luo, T., Li, Y., Madhusudhan, B.N., Sun, X., Song Y. (2020). Deformation behaviors of hydrate-bearing silty sediment induced by depressurization and thermal recovery. Applied Energy, 276: 115468.  (JCR一区TopSCIIF8.848)

6) Sun, X., Luo, T., Wang L., Li, Y., Song, Y. (2019). Numerical Simulation of Gas Recovery from a Low-Permeable Silty Hydrate Reservoir by Depressurization. Applied Energy, 250: 7-18. ((JCR一区TopSCIIF8.848)

7) Luo, T., Li, Y., Sun, X., Shen, S., Wu, P. (2018). Effect of sediment particle size on the mechanical properties of CH4 hydrate-bearing sediments. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 171, 302-314. (JCR一区,SCIIF4.346)

8) Luo, T., Li, Y., Madhusudhan, B.N., Zhao, J., Song Y. (2020). Comparative analysis of the consolidation and shear behaviors of CH4 and CO2 hydrate-bearing silty sediments. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 75, 103157. (JCR一区,SCIIF4.965)

9) Luo, T., Song, Y., Zhu, Y., Liu, W., Liu, Y., Li, Y., Wu, Z. (2016). Triaxial experiments on the mechanical properties of hydrate-bearing marine sediments of South China Sea. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 77, 507-514. (JCR一区SCIIF4.348)

10) Luo, T., Li, Y., Liu, W., Sun, X., Shen, S. (2017). Experimental Study on the Mechanical Properties of CH4 and CO2 Hydrate Remodeling Cores in Qilian Mountain. Energies, 10(12), 2078. (JCR三区,SCIIF3.004)

11) Song, Y., Luo, T., Madhusudhan, B.N., Sun, X., Liu, Y., Kong, X., Li, Y. (2020). Strength behaviors of CH4 hydrate-bearing silty sediments during thermal decomposition. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 72, 103031. (JCR一区,SCIIF4.965)

12) Li, Y., Luo, T*., Sun, X., Liu, W., Li, Q., Li, Y., & Song, Y. (2019). Strength Behaviors of Remolded Hydrate-Bearing Marine Sediments in Different Drilling Depths of the South China Sea. Energies, 12(2), 253. (JCR三区,SCIIF3.004)

13) Liu, W., Luo, T., Li, Y., Song, Y., Zhu, Y., Liu, Y., ... & Xu, X. (2016). Experimental study on the mechanical properties of sediments containing CH4 and CO2 hydrate mixtures. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 32, 20-27. (JCR一区,SCIIF4.965)

14) Sun, X., Luo, H., Luo, T., Song, Y., Li, Y. (2019). Numerical study of gas production from marine hydrate formations considering soil compression and hydrate dissociation due to depressurization. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 102, 759-774. (JCR一区SCIIF4.348)

15) Zhu, Y., Chen, C., Luo, T., Song, Y., Li, Y. (2019). Creep behaviours of methane hydrate-bearing sediments. Environmental Geotechnics, 1-12. (JCR四区,SCIIF1.934)


1) 宋永臣, 骆汀汀刘卫国李洋辉孙翔。一种海底天然气水合物岩心声波平面应变仪装置。专利号201711037272.8

2) 宋永臣,李洋辉刘卫国杨明军赵佳飞刘瑜张毅王大勇赵越超蒋兰兰凌铮杨磊骆汀汀。一种天然气水合物岩心试样保压转移三轴装置及方法。专利号:201610402927.7


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